Sunday 20 November 2016

Reviewing Oxford Botanic Centre

University of Oxford Botanic Centre
Last week I was sick, I knew that I wanted to go out but I wanted to explore somewhere new. In my bus journeys I have always been intrigued about what's in Oxford's Botanic Garden - it looks amazing from the outside. So I decided to go for it, I had 2 hours to kill before sunset, I had some energy left, and my flu seemed under control. 
Entry to the botanic garden was £5.00 - a small fee but I wanted somewhere I can breath easy. here's my review of the place:

the good

  • pests under control, it was comfortable getting up close to plants - nothing jumping/biting/crawling up on you
  • fresh air
  • beautiful scenery
  • peaceful environment
  • so much to look at and explore

the bad

  • small, can be completed in under 40mins but if you wanted to photograph things it could take up to 2 hours
  • cost doesn't justify the experience - not everyone wants to spend £5 on something they can see for free elsewhere.
  • fee doesn't include the boat ride
  • no tour available
  • not easily accessible


worth seeing if you like nature, photography and want to explore a place quickly. £5 fee should be optional, at least tell the customers where the money will go!