Friday 15 February 2013

mirror's edge

classy me. i feel nostalgia for playing pc games. one of which i am looking forward to playing.. after the exam that of course - is mirror's edge. something about the fast pace of that game, coupled with amazing graphics and the heart-stopping jumps.. totally miss it :<
panic isn't enough to keep my motivation up, i need to really grill down with revision.
did a sec 1 half exam, and got 59% on the paper.. now that looks all yummy on the outside but i remember the damn questions.. even though i had done it back in august! so.. that counts as cheating because i did the paper before, right? the questions which i haven't done before (the ones i normally guess at the end) i scored 62% (8/13) which is great if i wasn't doing the paper timed! i need to speed up :/

Monday 4 February 2013

apply some pressure

this song is gold dust... don't  mind the looks of the band, just LISTEN!