Tuesday 27 March 2012

did you just say that?

painful wrist :(
behold, my first A&E incident. doesn't it look cool?! well looks are deceiving because it hurts like hell :(
x-rays say that i haven't fractured anything but jeez look at it, that haematoma doesn't grow that big if nothing is broken! i hope nothing is broken >.<
it hurts to flex my hand so i'll keep this post short & get some rest. ouch =_=;;

Saturday 24 March 2012

bone cracking

ehh everything cracks... feet, knees, back, top neck, arm, shoulders, hands, elbows, lower back, hips... aghh whats going on?! i couldn't sleep last night at all.. all i could think about was today. how am i supposed to handle today. if only i had so much enthusiasm as i have for... well everything else i wouldn't be in this situation. CRACK CRACK CRACK
astaghfur allah alatheem. 
like i said a while back... nothing comes easy with me. nothing at all. i have to do with what i've got and live. my essay today was... ehh not my best work.. i was all hyper on pro+ that my knees couldn't stop moving - i was shaking like i was on crack or something.. ehh caffeine moment. i over-dosed LOL?

so i had an interview yesterday... so many questions asked today were all related to university work. i kept thinking to myself WOO PEPTIDES!  but one thing though, what the hell is partial hydrolysis?! and suponification?! ehh that really threw me off i was thinking soap-making process... maybe? ummm maybe? concave lenses and partial pressure, ideal gas and henry's law... yeah i need to brush on my knowledge :/ the stuff i got asked were not anywhere in my comfort zone. i mean common wheres all the physio-related stuff? oh and the heart questions kicked my ass. i used common sense but wtf.. doing physiology at uni did not really help ¬¬

kudos for making my day insanely intimidating. i'm still having the interview in my head way after what happened. i'm just glad i'm still... alive. this has to be one of the hardest things i've done this year.. i just hope they didn't torture me... just to reject me :(

Friday 23 March 2012

Old habits die hard

my focus for the past 2 weeks has been in shambles. who ever said you can do it overnight is a damn liar. how on earth can one expect to finish at all? nothing seems to have gone the way i had planned, of course nothing ever does! what am i supposed to do now? roll over and die? no way - i'm in this for the long run. i have to do my best and i have to keep my faith. i can do this. i know i can. 

i let the worst get the best of me, and i can't ever do that again. never again. i could feel my insides crying out in rage - my head immensely hurting, my muscles aching, my stomach burning, my breath all shallow and my poor tired self just unable to take on all this weight. can i really handle all this? i can't doubt myself. i have to have faith - i can't rely on life to become better, i have to somehow find the strength to fight through this obstacle. i cry as i type this for i know i am so much better than this. despite my state of mind and body, i have to face my fears, embrace whats yet to come and improve. this cannot happen again. this state of old habit has to die. there is no other way.

Thursday 22 March 2012

K2 Celena 90 Speed fitness inline skate review

black rock shooter
I've been so excited to get these skates the colours and textures remind me of black rock shooter textures and colours merged all together! considering black rock shooter has just been released, i believe that these boots will gain more popularity among anime lovers!

K2 Celena 90 Speed custom model 
i did so much research to find the best pair of skates to get (at an affordable price).. and this is my result:

k2 celena speed skates: 90mm/83a wheels, ilq 9 bearings (classic), mid-cuff soft boot with quick lace system (speed lace)

the main intended use for these skates is for long distance skating & fitness skating. inline skating has been known to be far more effective at muscle tone and burning calories than running or cycling. I bought these skates because i've been nostalgic for skating & i needed something to give me that adrenaline boost from speed... yup!

one obvious difference between the celena speed and the normal celena model is the lacing. the speed model has a quick-lace built in which basically saves you tying a knot at the top of the boot - this feature is different from boa, but is still used, as seen in the recent 2012 celena model.

the other difference is that you get a riveted boot - which basically means you won't have to tighten screws below the boot (girl friendly!). you also get the 'speed' engraving on the boot next to celena logo.

one thing thats actually different between the pair i got and the ones displayed on the internet is that the speed model i purchased did not have those spungy white looking things holding the laces but instead you get a standard k2 soft boot styled lacing holes. this is actually much better in my opinion because the ones available on the internet don't really look very strong.

Speed lace on K2 Celena 90 Speed custom model
after testing these boots inside the house they were amazingly responsive to strides, even on carpet - they glide really well and quite fast. its almost like ice skating with these boots, so you do have to be very careful because these can go faster than the standard boots sold here in the uk.

outside the house, these babies are amazing. they are very stable once you get rolling and gaining speed is relatively simple and effortless. i did have trouble turning corners with these skates but perhaps its because i'm so used to basic 72mm beginner wheels.. i suppose i just need more practice. don't try to turn forcefully while stationary as these skates could sometimes be quite unstable thus leading to some falls. i suggest wearing 1 skate at a time on each leg before attempting to skate properly if you're a beginner because the speed they reach may need some getting used to.

check the road regulations if you plan to skate on busy streets - these skates are hard to emergency stop, especially if you're a beginner/intermediate user. i believe the ilq 9 bearings are to blame - they are both smooth and fast. one way to fix this is to buy a pack of 80mm wheels (not 84mm wheels! as those feel very similar but not as fast as 90mm wheels) with abec 7 bearings and once you're comfortable with those then switch to the 90mm wheels.

these boots are true to size but you have to be aware that anything below a UK size 6 (EU 39) is going to have the 84mm wheels. the colours are exactly as seen in this picture of the boot, it feels very light on the feet and has a snuggle fit for medium-narrow shaped feet.

be aware that lacing should be retightened after the first 15mins of use as the softboot does mould to your feet and may feel slightly wide with use. after this retightening there should be no problems skating for the remainder of the time.

i have found that the sports socks have given my feet a better fit in these boots.

so far, these skates have been very impressive and i am very pleased that i purchased the speed model instead of the normal celena model. the extra perk in lacing makes these boots look funky and easier to put on.

comfort: 8/10
design: 10/10
specification: 9/10

therefore overall rating: 9/10

speaking of black rock shooter - i made this fire-like eye a while back for my call of duty black ops player card logo, enjoy :)

Tuesday 20 March 2012

Introduction: the drive for applying for medicine

medicine has always been an interest of mine for many of years. its reflected in the tv that i watch, the subjects that i studied, the work type i pursued for part time and even the things i talk about. it took me a while to realise that this was truly what i really wanted to do and i guess it was kind of like a wakeup call, or a call for the endless longing to fulfil this simple yet complicated wish: i want to study medicine and thus become a doctor.
at school i loved science and sure enough my teachers really were supportive of my decisions to study science further. at a levels however i was informed that my grades were no match for applying to medicine. it was a mistake not taking tuition during gcse and a levels. i realised that the people who did actually got really good grades and therefore really good offers for subjects i cannot even dream of applying for. every year when the a level results come out and my work colleagues who acheived triple a grades in a levels just tore me to pieces. i never ever experienced ann joy in my studies all my life. it kills me to think i could ever apply to anything with triple a conditional offers, its simply unimaginable.

so for uni i settled for seconds, i applied for biochemistry. the first year went great but as i progressed on with second year, i slowly became unattached, uninterested and simply undriven. this wasn't because my passion for biology faded, i guess it was more of the fact that i had crap friends, and overall i felt like i didn't know where all this knowledge, practicals and coursework was taking me. i went into depression, and simply withdrawled from the subject i was studying and i began to give my graphics and gaming more and more attention. this was a stupid move. i should have taken a deep breath and tried to tie the knots back together. i should have fixed this burst in my bubble and maintained my interest for biochemistry. in the end i ended up with crap grades. and at the end of the year i had to make a choice. it was either carrying on with biochemistry as just an ordinary degree, or choose a different course and maintain the honours degree title. i did my best to try to avoid the first option, and tried to save my degree. i did summer retakes for biochemistry. however these proved to be useless and so i was left with no other option but to switch to a different course. so when the year began, with all my strength i researched, sent out emails across the university to try to get a place on any similar course to biochemistry and there was only one reply, biotechnology.
don't get me wrong biotechnology as i know now is far more significant that biochemistry alone. its a mix of animal, plant and human science with a common goal: improving current medical knowledge and technology. its pure research at its best. the practicals were far more interesting and definatelly more appealling to my taste. i liked the heavily focused physiology modules, and the overlap of developmental biochemistry with current research methodologies. neuroscience really was interesting, complicated, but so so interesting. to this day i can recall things about chronic and acute pain, and the amazing long term potentiation OuO

yeah but being interested is one thing, and getting the grades is another. if you know me, you'd know that i am multi-talented. i like to keep myself busy and so i have different interests which i also passionately love doing. nothing though is as great as my interest for studing the human body. for figuring out what each cell does, how each protein interacts with other proteins, how a hormone could cause a magnitude of cascades and shape the aftermath effects of its presence. its exhilirating and everytime i read about it all, i whisper: subhan allah, masha'allah, wow, omg, etc. i get motivated to read more, find out more. but all that is really worthless if you can't reproduce this passion in exams when you're tested for what you know.
its great reading, finding out about things, but if only 5% of what you read sticks with you, then all is lost. its more likely that you'd make mistakes, group knowledge and have overlapping information confusing your arguments. i ended up with a lower second. insufficient and heavily affecting the selection of university choices offering medicine. no one is going to really take you if someone else is better than you. i was rejected last year from all 4 university choices offering medicine, and so i was left aimless yet again.. affecting my overall university performance and having a detrimental effect on my self confidence. i gained weight, began to miss deadlines, slept abnormally - i was a living example of depression. i tried my best, and i fought, i really really fought to maintain myself, regain my confidence - but with deadlines every week and my constant hard effort to try to get those deadlines managed, i was really over-run. i wasn't coping well. i really really really did my best, but with penalties, and overwhelming amount of work, it was impossible to complete things on time. one thing about me is that i don't like being helped. i don't like the pitty looks and i definately don't like to be undermined and being treated differently. i don't like this unnecessary attention. it weighs me down and thats one thing i really cannot tolerate.

Friday 9 March 2012

moar life & skates

so today was the last day of work experience. i have to say that without those amazing people, i would have probably combusted a long time ago. its amazing how when you're about to lose control and someone comes in and offers you a saving hand, its very inspiring and i will always treasure the experience gained from this work throughout. valuable lessons were learned and i can actually say, i'm proud of myself. i never thought i'd embark on such an amazing route, and a steep curve of a completely different learning experience, for once in my life, i can actually say to myself: you did good.  alhamdu'allah alatheem

i really feel like i need to get back to skating, today i did megaz0r research on the best inline skates to get considering that my £15.00 pair destroy my feet everytime i use them. besides, i don't actually know where i've put them LOL
so, i found a reasonable pair, at a somewhat reasonable price, from france! insha'allah this year i can better myself in other ways too, i really hope to get back into skating, i really enjoyed it when i was younger, and i continue to long to do so again. this pair is an investment and a promise to myself, as well as an award for all my hard work. i feel like i deserve a different type of destressor, and i hope that i'll make friends who share my passion for skating too on the way. heres the pair i bought:
K2 CELENA 2011 90mm skates
comfort, speed and design really grabbed my attention in this beauty, and considering that there was only one size left, i took the honours of claiming it mine :3 insha'allah it will be as good as it has been rated, i really want to get back into skating. i'm so excited!

Sunday 4 March 2012

one goal, so many disappointments

we can't all be clones
this week i've been thinking: what the hell do these people expect us to do? why go through all this trouble of experience if at the end of the day sitting in an office you won't be using it?! i can understand caring.. ok but seriously the majority of things that are really relevant would be some managerial kind of work.. wouldn't that be more relevant? how is washing elderly with soap a gold star? darn my frustrations.. another weekend in the slumps and people are starting to ask weird and awkward questions. my personal life is not for others to pry on. i'd be more interested if you people talk intellectually instead of jumping ropes to find out about my personal life. you don't see me do it to you, so why do it to me?

i know how to shuffle a nappy under an elderly now, w00p w00p. i wiped an elderly's bottom today while they decided to piss everywhere as i was almost finished. i picked out clothes for a blind lady today yaay... dad decided to pick me up 2 hours after my shift ended, yayyy... sucks not having my own car but i must persevere.. all this has to end well, somehow, someday.... i hope :(