Wednesday 31 August 2011

eid, day 2

whoever said chilling out by doing nothing deserves to be shot. so yesterday i did absolutely nothing - i mean i just slept, killed zombies and slept even more and now i feel so crap. a whole day wasted :L
i got so much to do today dammit heres a list so my head doesn't explode! >.<
wash, book gp appointment, hand holiday letter - get it SIGNED and authorised, get my prescribed antibiotics, sort room, hook up hdd to ssd, configure hdd, change bed covers, stick junk on ebay, take nutrition pills and destroy/replace junk food.... hoover the whole house, reinstall adobe software package, read journals, get some books from library, find a place for my man-made mountain of shoes/converse, rearrange the wardrobe (i currently have no idea where everything is...)
yeah i'll need to wake up early then, nite nites

Tuesday 30 August 2011

Eid Mubarak

first of all, i just wanted to wish all my readers a lovely, peaceful and prosperous eid and a wonderful year to come. why haven't i posted in the past month? one word: busy. i've changed my contracted hours at work from a mere 16 hours on weekends, to a full time hard core 39 hours. the perks i get from this include being in the bakery, freedom to take my break when i need to, do an active job - challenging both my mind and (fingers crossed) shifting the body mass. speaking of which.. i can't believe i didn't lose any weight while fasting during ramadhan! perhaps it was related to the time i ate.. 3am seriously doesn't make you lose weight, especially when you break the fast about 8.30. there simply isn't any activity between these two times, and with work consuming the day, when i get home, all i want to do is hit the bed.

what i found impressive was that i could go on my day and still be active regardless of how hungry/thirsty i was. i was honestly expecting problems to occur, but alhamdu'allah i was fine throughout the month.
for my sister's birthday treat, the whole family went to bournemouth. yes! sandy beach ftw! but.... 2 weeks later, we find out that she caught chicken pox! this not only meant that she couldn't fast with me, but also that she had to deal with all the symptoms associated with the plague. 2 weeks later, brother comes home to help out clean the rented house, and on his second day, he develops chicken pox (his second time getting the disease). after wiki reading and research, we all know that pox affects adults more severely.. and this truly showed on his face, back and front. i just want him to get better, i've never seen him this ill all my life its really sad. when am i gonna get it? alhamdu'allah i didn't get the disease despite my frail immune system, at least i hope i don't get it in the coming weeks.. the incubation period varies from person to person so for all i know, it could be cooking right now as i blog (eek..)