Wednesday 25 July 2012

bleh yeah

hardcore physical chemistry revision today :L

Tuesday 24 July 2012

Blue flame

Completely shattered today - the olympic village was more full than usual and i took the first hour and a half of my shift to get through the pesky exponentials and log scales revised. i'm glad i had that out of the way because by the late afternoon the whole area was littered with athletes!
considering that i'm fasting, i had not slept last night properly and got up pretty early in the morning, after the study time i had, i was pretty much yearning for my pillow. it didn't get better as the day progressed, i got more and more silent and zombified from the dehydration and lack of energy. i better get some rest.. days like this i really wish i was fitter.. my time will come; patience, insha'allah.

Sunday 22 July 2012

Bad Apple dance

will film myself doing the bad apple dance after getting accepted into medicine insha'allah xD touhou ftw hehe it looks so cool and just like gamsat, another challenge - well, a fun challenge. I don't really dance.. so this would be interesting LOL

will emo revise after this and check back with ya all tomorrow.

Saturday 21 July 2012

Online session

today i had my first ever online session where i met two wonderful gamsat study buddies jess and fong. it was really lovely meeting others revising for this dreaded exam, and with the sample questions we went through theres so much more i've got to cover to stand a chance in this exam. smart guessing can only take me so far, i need to get practising! it was a huge motivational boost doing the sample questions together, i need to do more theres only 7 weeks left!!!

Friday 20 July 2012

Ramadan Mubarak

wishing all my fellow Muslim readers a prosperous Ramadan filled with blessings and joy. fasting is very difficult especially during the long summer hours and it is a wonderful time to reflect on life, improve yourself by limiting temptation and focusing on what is really important in life.

i've been struggling to maintain a constant revision schedule with the olympic volunteering i've been doing this week, and the inconsistent revision i've had the past 2 weeks. insha'allah with Ramadan i could learn to manage time much better and concentrate on what i really need to do.
allah kareem :)

Saturday 14 July 2012

bitter sweet dream

the weeks feel like they are going so quickly, theres so much to do and so little time left.
biochemistry done, now its organic chemistry tym. so i'm thinking about posting up some essays on here - anyone up for marking my work? heheh

Wednesday 11 July 2012

HCA work y/n?

Yuna eyes are so pretty
how much experience can hca work actually get you? job descriptions kind of just say you'll be working with nurses.. what about doctors? i need that experience with doctors :(
revision is going really slow :L i need to spend more time on biochemistry!

Monday 9 July 2012

one step closer

it feels like so long ago that i decided i wanted to do medicine.. it has only hit me now that i've got a long way to go.. so much to read, so much time to dedicate working as an underdog, i just hope i'm not really setting myself up for disappointment. 
insha'allah my hard work will be rewarded
i did something different this month and got myself a treat for all the long hours i've spent on my feet.
Clarks Gore-tex leather ankle boots - £30 from Clarks clearance
i've been wearing these water-proof clarks semi-high boots that go just above your ankle. they're lovely and comfortable until the weather gets really hot, and the hospital becomes a greenhouse! in the hospital where your own waterproof shoes start to become a swimming pool of sweat. odour follows soon after, so in all attempts to prevent this i decided to get some trainers. heres what i decided to go for:

Reebok Easytrain Viva Mid trainers - £50 from
i've found that the ankle height boots to be really flattering and elegant with the uniform i currently wear at the hospital. i'm hoping these trainers will fit true to size really.. they should be coming today :P

Sunday 8 July 2012

the strokes - reptilia

so i looked at my effort this week and it looks like i'm slacking. dammit brain don't start procrastinating already :(
biochemistry is really killing me.. i honestly thought it was going to be one of the easy topics bleh i couldn't be more wrong - thats 2 weeks spent on this lame subject. nothing feels like it has stuck in eek! hope i'll have some time to revisit the stuff in biochemistry.. its all enzyme names, a damn long cascade of chain reactions (with weird and confusing names!!!!) and CO2's flying around destroying/elongating molecules supposedly responsible for the energy release and storage and conversion and eghhh.. you get the point.

Wednesday 4 July 2012

biochemistry for beginners

glycolysis and proteins basics done. didn't realise how complicated glycolysis really was till now.. i'm not looking forward to the citric acid cycle and oxidative phosphorylation o_o; i feel like that Muppet dude in the picture! i need to cover some section 1 material this week too.. i've got to get into grips with revision problem is, time is flying fast.. really fast. 10 weeks left till GAMSAT & i can't help but panic!